Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Stories from the Road: Cheese What?

One of the perks of my job is the food … all kinds from all over the country …. I am not a shy eater and look forward to new regional specialties when traveling.  Recently in Wisconsin, I was offered my new favorite thing: fried cheese curds.  I like cheese and I like fried things, so this was a match made in comfort food heaven.  Cheddar cheese curds, which were new to me, encased in a brown crunchy coating … mini grilled cheese sandwiches in all of their cheesy glory.  I sampled the nearly addictive, fried cheese curds whenever they were offered during the trip, trying to figure out my favorites and what made each batch different.  What I found was that I liked them all, but my waist did not.  So, it's back to all things in moderation, deep friend cheesy wonderfulness or not, until I discover that next new culinary temptation somewhere down the road.  I’m ready for the challenge.

--James VanArsdel, VP of Client Relations 

Note:  If you'd like to have James visit your campus and perhaps share a regional delicacy or two, please let your account manager know!