We’ve all heard about the decline of bee populations around the country and the efforts that are being made to revive and maintain hives. From our offices in Portland we can look across the square and see two hives atop the building that houses Macy’s and The NINES Hotel, along with flower and herb gardens that provide ingredients for the hotel’s kitchens and bars. Several resorts in Hawai’i now have apiaries, usually on the roof, that produce honey for use in the kitchens and spas, as well as for sale to consumers.
Well, in an interesting college twist, while visiting at American University in Washington, DC, I discovered bee hives in a central courtyard garden, surrounded by glass walled conference rooms. I learned that the hives are tended by the Beekeeping Society of American University, and that the bees work their pollinating magic around campus, a designated arboretum, and in the surrounding community. Urban agriculture on campus, now that's something to buzz about!
--James VanArsdel, VP of Client Relations
Note: James loves visiting customers and learning about what makes life interesting on campus. If your school could use some on-site customer support from James, please let your account manager know!